Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This dish is cooked-wrapped in a banana leaf over a low-fire barbecue. Fish meat, shallots and ginger are pounded to a paste and wrapped in banana leaf before it is cooked. Satar is an interesting blend of succulent boneless fish marinated in spices, wrapped in banana leaves and grilled over a flaming charcoal fire. Its sweet taste is tinged with delicate smell of the wrapping, making it a great appetizer and a healthy snack.



1/2 coconut

3 ikan kembung

3 shallot

1 red chilli

1.2cm gingerbanana leaf

1. Clean the fish thoroughly, discard the bones, roll with coconut,pound, chop or mince the meat finely,

2. Put shallot, red chilli and ginger while roll it again until they mix well.

3. Fill the cone with the mixture and cover the top.

4. Repeat until all done filling the cone.

5. Put the cone on the skewers with bamboo and roast until cook.

Pengadang Baru Weekend Market (Tuesday)
Panji Alam Weekend Market (Thursday)

Batu Burok Hawker Centre (Friday)

Pasar Payang Central Market

Cabang Tiga Market
Kg. Kelulut Weekend Market (Saturday)

Alongside Marang Road
Kuala Dungun Weekend Market (Thursday)
Kerteh (Tuesday), Kemasik (Sunday, Wednesday), s s sChukai (Tuesday)

Che Wan Food Stall

Alongside Geliga Beach

Nasi Dagang

Nasi Dagang is a rice speciality of Terengganu. The Dish is made by cooking rice and glutinous rice together, to which is then added coconut cream once it is cooked. It is eaten with it's own specially made side dishes of tuna curry and a light vegetable pickle. Simplicity is its essence.



300g nasi dagang rice or substitute with

200ggood grade Siamese rice mixed with

100g glutinous rice1 grated coconut to extract

3/4 cup thick coconut milk 3/4 cup thin coconut milk

1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds ( halba )

2 cloves garlic, sliced finely

3 shallots, sliced finely

2cm young ginger,

sliced finely1/2 tsp salt


Wash rice well and soak for five to six hours. Drain well, then steam rice for 20 to 25 minutes or until half-cooked. Stir in thin coconut milk and continue steaming for 15 minutes until rice is nearly cooked.Combine thick coconut milk, shallots, garlic, ginger, fenugreek and salt. Stir into the cooked rice then steam once more for 10 to 15 minutes or until rice is properly cooked.Serve rice with kari ikan tongkol.

Where to Eat

Kuala Terengganu

Mak Ngah Nasi Dagang restaurant at Cendering

Mak Ngah sits on her little stage and packs in all the rice with her own hands. Her expertise in making the curry brings in the crowd as far away as other states to try her nasi dagang. From Terengganu City, head towards South to Marang or Kuantan. About 8KM, after the Ibai Bridge, you will see a lot of cars parking at the roadside, especially on Friday. There are 2 famous stalls at the left side.


Kg. Kelulut Weekend Market (Saturday)


Kuala Dungun Weekend Market (Thursday)


Kerteh (Tuesday), Kemasik (Sunday, Wednesday), Chukai (Tuesday)

Ayam Percik

A favourite with locals and visitors alike, this dish is actually barbecued chicken marinated with spicy coconut gravy.


Ingredients :
1 chicken, chopped into serving pieces

1 bowl coconut milk

1 lemon grass (serai)

Ingredients A
1 Cmlemon grass (serai)

3 cloves garlic

1 cm ginger

Ingredients B
1 cm ginger

3 dried chilli

1 shallots

Blend ingredients A and mix it with the chicken. Mulch it for a while. At the mean time, blend ingredients B. preheat the pot with santan inside and put ingredients B together. Roast the mulch chicken into the oven. Sprinkle a little of ingredient B if the chicken turn into slightly brown. Apply the remaining of ingredient B onto the roasted chicken.

Where to Eat

  • Kuala Terengganu
    Pengadang Baru Weekend Market (Tuesday)
    Panji Alam Weekend Market (Thursday)
    Batu Burok Hawker Centre (Friday)

  • Marang
    Kg. Kelulut Weekend Market (Saturday)

  • Dungun
    Kuala Dungun Weekend Market (Thursday)

Keropok Lekor

Basically, there are two types of keropok. The first one is a tube-shaped that resembles sausages called "Keropok Lekor" and the second one is the cracker-shaped called "Keropok Keping" (sliced keropok). Keropok Lekor is what Terengganu is famous for.They are made up of fish, flour and other ingredients. For Keropok Lekor, you can eat it in two ways. Deep fried or boiled. If you don't really like the fishy smell, then better to take the deep fried as sometime the boiled one will have some fishy smell, especially when they are no longer hot. However, some like it boiled as it doesn't require oil to cook.The Keropok Keping is also made up of larger tube-shaped keropok being sliced into very thin slices. Then they are dried under the sun to make it storagable. Then you need to fried it before consumption. It is nice to be eaten alone or dipping with the local chili sauce.



1 kg fish (ikan parang or ikan kembong)

500g sago flour

Salt to taste

125ml water

Some ice-cubes

1 or 2 pandan leaves


Clean the fish thoroughly, remove its intestines and chop off its head and tail, leaving the body intact.Make slits along both sides of the fish, then scrape off the meat; discard the bones. Pound, chop or mince the meat finely, adding salt to taste.Add some ice cubes and continue mincing the fish meat. Add sago flour and water. Stir the mixture until it becomes a soft dough.Dip your hand in the sago flour and roll the dough into a cylindrical shape.Boil a potful of water. Add in one or two knotted pandan leaves. Drop the keropok lekor into the boiling water.Wait for it to float and remove with a slotted spoon. Set aside to cool.Cut the pieces diagonally into thin slices. Dry in the sun thoroughly, then deep-fry in hot oil.

Where to Eat

Kampung Losong
007 Stall (Near Floating Mosque)

Pengadang Baru Weekend Market (Tuesday)

Panji Alam Weekend Market (Thursday)

Batu Burok Hawker Centre (Friday)

Pasar Payang Central Market

Cabang Tiga Market
Kg. Kelulut Weekend Market (Saturday)

Alongside Marang Road
Kuala Dungun Weekend Market (Thursday)
Kerteh (Tuesday), Kemasik (Sunday, Wednesday), s s sChukai (Tuesday)
Kuala Besut